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Is A Solar Pond Pump The Best Choice? | Pros, Cons & Costs

Solar-powered water pumps have recently enjoyed a surge in popularity, as everyone is looking for cheap and green solutions. However, solar pumps are not always the best choice – other fountain pump options in the market may meet your requirements better. 

What sets solar pond pumps apart from conventional models?

Solar water pond pumps use an inbuilt solar panel to utilise and store energy from the sun’s light. They are often seen as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option; however, the performance of solar pumps may not always meet your needs or expectations. 

Pond pumps come in various models and performance capacities, so choosing the right solar pump is critical to the performance you’ll get. 

Read on to find out if a solar-powered pump is the best option, or if conventional models may better suit your needs. 

How Do Solar Pumps Work?

A solar water pump works by utilising a solar panel built into a pump, which uses the energy from the sun to power the pump. These solar panels can also be used to charge and store energy in a battery, further improving their efficiency during the nighttime and heavy cloud cover. 

Water pumps are necessary for a wide range of applications. They are helpful in industries or commercial settings as well as in residential properties. You may need to pump water from a well at home, filter your pond or aquarium, or water your garden with an irrigation pump.

A standard mechanical water pump uses kinetic energy and positive displacement to help push or transfer water. A solar water pump system is very much like an electrical pump. Both types are powered by electricity. 

The key difference is that the electricity that powers solar water pumps comes from one or many PhotoVoltaic panels (PV panels). These PV panels use silicon cells to absorb ultraviolet energy from the sun. 

The PV panel then converts this ultraviolet energy into electrical energy. This electricity powers the engine, which then allows the water pump to work. The water that the pump lifts usually comes from the ground or a stream or may be stored in a tank. 

Solar pumps can be classified as the surface pumps and the submersible pumps.

What Are The Advantages Of Solar Water Pumps For Ponds?

Solar is popular because it’s an accessible power in almost every part of the world. While not without its faults, there is a reason that solar energy has revolutionised the way we look at renewable energy. As seen in most aspects of the world today, more people, businesses and industries are moving towards renewable energy. 

Pumps are essential to keeping any body of water clean and healthy, from backyard ponds to farm pond maintenance. Here are the pros of installing a solar water pump:

Solar Water Pumps Can Be Installed Anywhere 

In locations where power lines are out of reach, using a solar water pump proves to be a practical option. You can source water from anywhere and transfer it without worrying if there is a nearby electrical outlet. 

Before the availability of solar power technology, people used to rely on diesel engines or manpower to transport water.

They Are Environmentally-Friendly 

Generating electricity using the energy from the sun is more sustainable for the environment. The use of traditional electricity or fuel-burning to create energy creates harmful gases that pollute the air and environment. 

They Can Be More Cost-Effective

In the long run, using solar pumps are perceived to be more cost-effective, which is a major motivator for using them in backyard ponds and water features. The sun is a renewable source of energy that is entirely free to use.

You don’t need to pay for the cost of energy but only for the solar panel equipment. The sun is a renewable source of energy that also does not contribute to environmental damage like fossil fuel energy. 

What Are The Disadvantages Of Solar Water Pumps For Ponds?

Solar-powered pond pumps may not always be the best option for your pond. Even though solar water pumps have advantages, you need to think twice about the right type of water pump for your situation and current needs.

Manufacturers and sellers that distribute solar pumps exclusively may just highlight the benefits of solar panels without mentioning their disadvantages or giving a complete picture of what to expect if you decide to use solar water pumps. 

Here are some of the cons of solar water pumps:

Inconsistent Flow Rate 

One of the main things you need to know about solar pond pumps is that they generally have a lower flow rate than the other models. This means they could not move the same amount of water as the traditional electric pumps. Therefore, if you have a large pond, your solar pump will most likely not move water quickly to this pond. 

In addition, solar pumps do not perform as well in low light or on cloudy days. So even though manufacturers will assure you that their solar pumps will operate in all types of weather, you need to check your specific model. It may also be worth asking your neighbours or local irrigation experts if solar panels are a good investment in your area. 

For many basic solar water pumps, insufficient UV rays will decrease their flow rate. Therefore, if you want a consistent flow rate for your solar water pumps, solar-powered pumps may not be the best choice. 

Pump Position Limitation

A solar water pump needs enough sunlight to operate optimally. This means you have to install the pump in a specific spot where sunlight is not obstructed. 

This inherent limitation will deny you the freedom of installing the pump where you want it. It will also not allow you to prioritise design or aesthetics because you can’t just put the pump where it’s pleasing to the eyes. 

Not Suitable For All Locations

Manufacturers often talk about how solar-powered pumps are ideal for remote places with no nearby electricity source. Therefore, the argument is that solar-powered water pumps are more versatile. Unfortunately, this isn’t entirely accurate. 

Solar-powered water pumps will most likely not run at night. If you live in an area where it’s always rainy, cloudy, and foggy, your solar pump’s performance is going to be significantly worse than in an area that rarely rains. They just don’t perform well if there’s not enough sun exposure. 

Reliance On Backup Batteries 

Some manufacturers have paired their solar pump models with backup batteries. This is viewed as the solution to the problem of solar pumps not operating at night or during cloudy weather. 

However, the main issue with these types of systems is that they are more expensive than regular solar water pumps and traditional water pumps. In addition, getting backup batteries for a solar-powered pump is an additional cost.

If the price point is not a barrier for entry, then having solar pumps supported with backup batteries is an option that is much more environmentally friendly but does come with that extra price tag.  

How Much Do Solar Water Pumps Cost?

A simple solar-powered water pump can have a price tag of $90 to $700. A more basic but fully complete solar well pump system will cost around $2000. The cost of solar water pumps depends on factors like usage, size, and coverage. 

For more elaborate and high-performance solar pump systems that can supply water to livestock or an entire household, expect to pay more than $3,000.

As with most things, when it comes to solar water pumps, you really do get what you pay for. Of course, if you want to get the best model, you need to purchase the most expensive one; but you know it will do exactly what you need to do, efficiently and save money on electricity bills long term. 

However, this does mean the barrier to entry is higher if you want a solar water pump that is genuinely effective. Since saving money is a big motivator for choosing a solar pump, you may be better off opting for a conventional model, which typically gets you the same performance at a much lower price point. 

What Is The Most Powerful Solar Water Pump For Fountains?

The Reefe Solar Water Fountain Pump is one of the most powerful solar powered pond pumps available in Australia. The Reefe Solar Water Fountain Pump is our favourite because it has a five-metre cord and can lift the water in the pond to a height of one and a half metres.

The highest-powered Reefe solar pump clocks in at 2500 LPH, but if you’re looking for a very high-powered pump up to 20,000LPH, you’ll need to opt for a conventional model. You’ll also notice the price point is much higher for a solar pump – the Reefe 2500LPH solar pump will set you back $715, while an equivalent Oase Aquamax 2500LPH pump retails for only $279.  


What Size Solar Pump Do I Need For My Pond?

If the pond has a volume of about 5000 litres, you need to get a pump that at least has a flow rate of 5000 litres per hour. However, the size of the solar-powered pond pump is typically related to its water capacity and performance. 

Therefore, if you want to know how to size up a fountain or pond, you need to calculate the volume of water in the pond. You can do this by multiplying the length by the width and multiplying it with the average depth of your pond. 

The next thing you need to do is look into water circulation or flow rate. The water must circulate the pond for at least an hour. If you are using a filter for your pond, you need to make sure that your pump supplies enough water to your filter. The pond’s volume must be equal to both the pump’s flow rate and the filter’s capacity. 

Alternatives To Solar Powered Pond Pumps

There are other high-quality ponds and fountain pumps that may perform better and are more ideal for specific situations. Some prominent brands of pond pumps for sale in Australia include the Pondmax Evo Series and Aquascape Series. 

Compared to solar pond pumps, you’ll get equivalent LPH at a fraction of the cost with traditional pumps. You’ll also get more reliable performance in all weather, and a consistent flow rate regardless of cloud cover. 

Pondmax pumps is a trusted name when it comes to ponds or fountain pumps. The Pondmax filter and waterfall pond pump models are designed to deliver high performance but low power consumption. In addition, the sophisticated internals protect them from power overloads. 

The Pondmax Evo Series models are made with advanced technology to ensure low electricity consumption. The Evo Series are made to suit various applications like hydroponics, fountains, and aquatic installations. Like solar-powered water pumps, they are easy to assemble, and most models require no tools to install. 

Aquascape Aquasurge pumps are another model to consider. It’s pretty versatile and can be used in ponds, waterfalls, and other water-based applications.  

Unlike solar-powered pumps, AquaSurge pumps give you more consistent performance, day or night. It can be used continuously for either vertical or horizontal water pumping. It has minimal noise or vibration and is built to last, and won’t rust or corrode nearly as quickly as its competitors. It’s also energy efficient, so you can still save money on your bills. 

Aquaforce also manufactures the high-end AquaForce waterfall and filter pumps. AquaForce handles solids using asynchronous motor technology. They are easy to maintain and extremely energy efficient. Because of its protective pre-filter cage, you can install the Aquaforce directly into the pond.

Related Questions

Do Solar Pond Pumps Work In Winter?

Theoretically, solar pond pumps can still work during winter, but their performance will significantly decrease. 

Solar pumps will need a large solar panel to generate enough electricity to achieve optimum performance. Unfortunately, not all solar pumps come with a large solar panel or high-capacity battery. As a result, this type of solar-powered pond pump is more expensive. 

If you are using a regular solar pump during winter, the unit will most likely need more time to generate enough voltage for it to work. Therefore, expect that it will only operate for a short period. 

Do Solar Pond Pumps Work At Night?

Basic solar pond pumps do not work at night as they need sunlight to generate electricity. Some models can work at night, but they usually have batteries or energy storage capacity. The energy stored will be used to allow such a device to work at night. 

However, in many cases, work output for solar pumps decreases at night despite having batteries or energy storage. In these instances, the battery cannot store enough energy to maintain the pump’s performance through the night.  

How High Can A Solar Pump Lift Water?

Mid-range models of surface solar-powered pumps can lift the water from 500 cm to five metres. The more expensive solar pumping systems can lift over twenty metres. 

The heavy-duty submersible solar pumps, like water bore pumps, are designed to lift water from large deep wells. They can lift the water from the well up to the height of 200 metres.

Solar pump models vary in terms of size and performance. Submersible solar pumps are designed to lift water from great depth. Surface solar pumps are the ones used for ponds, storage tanks, and shallow wells. 

Can I Use a Sludge Pump for a Pond?

Although there is sometimes sludge within a pond, you should only install pumps specifically made for ponds in your pond or water feature. This is because sludge and slurry pumps are rated for higher industrial use, which can damage your pond, or draw unnecessary amounts of energy, raising your power bills. 

There is a big difference between slurry and sludge pumps, and pumps made and rated for ponds and small water features. Sludge and slurry pumps are designed to move debris, dense water and chemicals, while pond pumps are designed to be specifically installed in ponds. Trying to install a sludge or slurry pump in your pond can be costly, redundant and in some cases not possible.



This article is published for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk. Always ensure you have the right qualifications and certifications to carry out DIY work and never put your safety at risk. Hills Irrigation recommends consulting a professional for all electrical and plumbing work.